Choosing the Right Plant for the Right Place
Here are 9 Tips to Choose the Right Plants for Your Landscape

1. Hardiness of the plant, is it in your zone? Even though you might be tempted to want a plant in your yard you saw in a catalog or magazine, if it wouldn’t make it through the winter it isn’t a good choice for you. Always check the zone hardiness of a plant before purchasing it.
2. Is it locally grown? Knowing that it is acclimated to your area by having been grown here is a great plus in the performance of the plant in the future. It will not have to go through an adjustment having been grown in a different part of the country. Even a zone hardy plant would have to adjust.
3. Do you have the right soil? Often plants do well in a specific type of soil. Choose plants that will do well in the soil you are planting them in, or make sure you can amend the soil at the time of planting.
4. Is it an easy plant to grow? Or are there problems with bugs and diseases. Best to choose a variety of plant that you don’t have to worry about nursing along.
5. Know the size of the mature plant. If the plant gets too big or stays too small for the spot you are planting it in you won’t be happy in the future with your choice.
6. What are the light requirements for the plant? A plant that needs full sun will not do well under a tree or on the north side of the house. Choose a plant that will thrive in the exposure that you are planting it in.
7. Will the plants as a group provide you with interest all year? Combining a group of plants that will give you the color and weight that you want all year is very important to create a seasonally balanced design. Spring and summer blooms, fall color, and winter interest combined will give you a landscape for all seasons.
8. Will it hold up in the spot you are planting it in? If the area is prone to winter plowing or shoveling make sure that it will withstand the weight of the snow and the possible salt spray it will get in the winter. Winter winds can also be a factor in the choice of a plant. Some plants do not do well in that environment. A large blooming plant around a pool might mean a mess for the homeowner. Plants that drop berries or debris might not be the right choice planted too close to a drive or sidewalk.
9. Always consider an overall design before planting. If you don’t start with a plan, the result just might not be what you will be happy with.
Contact Story Landscaping, LLC for all your planting needs and landscaping designs,